Bankhead Adventures

04 February 2007

Baby's First Headlamp

This weekend found Amy, Paul, and James in Mount Tamalpais State Park. We arrived after dark, so headlamps were a necessity, especially for little James, who studiously explored the many engravings on our picnic table while Paul set up the tent. (James's research revealed that DANIEL camped at our spot in 1994 and K.P. loves B.R.) We spent the night nursing a reluctant campfire and explaining to other campers that James's crying was not a mountain lion calling for a mate. ("Is that a baby? We thought it was a #*@! mountain lion.") The next morning we took a hike that led us through astoundingly beautiful and enormous redwood trees to wild-turkey infested grasslands overlooking the Pacific Ocean to a cozy beach, where James attempted to bury himself in the sand. Did we mention that it was 65 degrees? In February?



  • How coincidental! James's great grandma had just asked me if you had been to Mt. Tamalpais yet! We find that we are getting an unbearable itch to squeeze the boy's cheekies! Love and kisses to you all!

    Grandma Glauser and Aunt Heidihihi

    By Blogger lauridawn, at 4:27 PM  

  • Wow - you are lucky a love-struck mountain lion didn't make the same mistake and come running to your campsite in search of a soul-mate!

    By Blogger Sarah, at 11:23 PM  

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