Bankhead Adventures

08 October 2021

COVID-19 Chronicles, Part 15 (Joshua Tree National Park)

Sadie headed up a wall.

Of course we listened to U2's album the whole time we were in Joshua Tree National Park. We also bought some sick new climbing gear and several guidebooks in anticipation of this trip. It's been a while since we spent time in the desert. It took some getting used to such wide-openness and sparse plant life. We marveled at nature's tenacity and the tenacity of the Bankhead children who tried outdoor crack climbing for the first time. At the time of this trip, COVID policies discouraged people from traveling more than 150 miles from home. While we didn't follow the letter of that law, we saw so few people that our risk profile probably improved by virtue of our travels.

Paul spent many hours arranging his rack.

Tiny oasis

These "teddybear cholla" cacti are cool.

These two mountain goats deftly scrambled all over the park.
Lots of sky, lots of cactus, lots of climbing. 


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