Bankhead Adventures

05 October 2021

COVID-19 Chronicles, Part 12 (Ode to the Pod)

O Pod, how we love thee! Let us ennumerate:

One, friends. Two, other places. Three kids are great.

Doing school from home on a computer drains the soul

But doing school somewhere else makes Amos feel whole.

Classmates became friends became partners in fun,

Fourth graders working together is a homerun.

No worries that Amos was the only boy,

Adding pals to virtual school is a joy.

O Pod, you saved the school year from making our brains go numb

Homeschooling with you all is super awesome.

(An actual conversation as Amos walked in the door from a day with the Pod:
Amos: "Pod was so great today!"
Mom: "What was so great about it?"
Amos: "Nothing. Pod is great every day. I just remembered to tell you today.")


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