Yosemite #5: The End of an Era
The best part about our most recent Yosemite trip was that our friends, the Johnsons, camped with us. They and their 15-month-old daughter added excellent companionship and some mean breakfast burritos to this adventure. We hiked through many gorgeous meadows, to several shimmering alpine lakes, and spent ample time throwing rocks into various bodies of water. We also realized that James is now officially too heavy to carry, so from here on out we'll be doing James-size hikes. James was thrilled to find our position on the map and to carry his own backpack, but he was less excited about the actual hiking part. It took loads of coercion and distraction to get him to walk the slightest nature trail. We'll keep working on that.
We're getting close to that point, but still in denial. Hannah's 32 pounds of serious hiking workout! We did get to do a nice trip to Indian Peaks without her on Tuesday - such an easy walk!
Lindsey, at 8:14 PM
Wow, I'm amazed you carried him as long has you did. You are amazing!
Trulee, at 1:30 PM
nice work and congrats that james has graduated!
jamie, at 3:30 PM
Bummer! (for James especially). Good for you guys for carrying him thus far. You're tough!
Amy, at 3:39 PM
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